February 2004
I am someone who passes by and no one sees. I know people, but not all of them know me. I do a lot of things not everybody sees. I am one of the countless people who belong to the faceless crowd.
As I drift into the sea of people that walk on this revolving earth, I see them as they see me. I think, and think in every step I take as I submerge my self into the depths of my thoughts, my surroundings and all those in it warps into a great moving mass, as anonymous as I am.
One may think, the ordinariness that my face, or even my whole being is as harmless as a bunny - I wanted to prove their first impressions wrong.
I regret lots of things I say, good or bad, when it's about people that I don't really care that much about. More often than not, it is my stupid thoughts and the tongue that spits them out is to blame. All the repressed ideas, comments, suggestions, and violent reactions scrambling around and gasping for air, that I have always kept locked up in my skull would leak out, in regretful ways more often than once.
Strike One
There's this guy, that I've known for years, who's trying to impress a close friend of mine and has been dumpred several times. His latest offer is friendship and yet in his very pathetic (and obvious) ways, he tries to make his move. It bugs me, no, it gets to my very nerves; Because not only I and my group of friends don't like him for our friend, but he is a goddamn sexist - treating girls he's not courting like they are some sort of lesser beings in, again, his pathetic yet obvious ways. He thinks he's so cool, tough good looking and a good singer (argh!), but definitely isn't. I HATE HIS GUTS. There are people whom I've really appreciated for trying hard, but his irritating ways doesn't make him a least bit part of them.
And I would blurt out things on this guy's ever present pathetic-ness when I talk to him. I would comment out loud when I'm with a whole group of people, incuding him and his can-you-not-get-the-picture ways. People would just look at me and and either smile or have no reaction at all. But really, it felt good doing or rather saying that, no matter how many people agree or disagree.
Yet, at the end of each day, I would sit down and recount things I've said. Regret would creep into my conscience on the way I pointed out his stinking guts. A feeling of guilt sinks in.
Strike Two
Then there's this girl whom I've been good friends since last semester. For more than half of that semester, she had always been with a guy "friend". That guy is someone from my past. No, not the boyfriend slash love kind of thing, just the dumb i-like-you-i-like-you-too situation (otherwise known as M.U.) and the only past ever recorded in my history regarding the matter. He's the kid who would make you feel high and then for no reason (or at least none that you would know immediately) left you hanging, until you suddenly fall down flat to your face. I have heard his ways because I had been a victim myself. Though he is like that, I had been "friendly-friends" with him when college started, or when he and the girl friend of mine started hangin out together. I don't know why. Maybe I missed him, but jealous? Over my dead brain cells, no.
This semester, the girl always asked me whatever happend to him. For days, the answer has been "I don't know". But deep within those linesI have been thinking tha maybe: he is at it again; he's still the stupid guy I know; He decided to leave her hanging too. So the first news that I got about his whereabouts and his "making porma" to a popular girl in school, I told it to my friend after several weeks of thinking if I should. But with the luck of all lucks, the girl met the guy again and the guy is asking me now about what I've said to my friend. Am I in a big mes or what? Me and my big mouth again.
I grew into disliking him secretly after our so-called history. I still don't, and somehow it felt good to save someone from pain, no matter how much others wronfully accuse me of being jealous. But with all the guilt slowly creeping in like in the case of the stinkingly gutted guy.I'm getting trapped between my own conscience and this whole damn twisted mess.
There are many other times wherein I say things that somehow, after releasing all of the stuff that wanted to leak out of my head (in exchange for relief), my own conscience would nag me. I wanted to say those and I don't want to take them back and yet there is always this overwhelming feeling of guilt that stays at the pit of stomach.
Everytime I do, I feel like I did something deadly - That I'm a blabbermouth. I am evil-tongued. I am stupid. I am reckless. I am foolish. Most of all, I'm becoming a bitch.
I never really dreamed of becoming one. At times I want to change when conscience nags, but I remained in telling what I think when I think it is most necessary to do so, in times when acts of certain people makes my blood almost evaporate from boiling. On the other hand, I am still as faceless as the who-was-that's and never-heard-of's.
I feel guilty at this moment. I want to stop but I want to say things I think at the same time. With all this rage of confusion, trying to worm its way through my already oevrloaded mind, I ask myself how I transform from beign Ms. Ordinary, to a bitchy one and back.
Then I found out that my mind and definitely my conscience, is just as confused as I and my already confusing day's worth.
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